Flashback Friday: Randoms

Well, are you over Thanksgiving yet?
Did you go shopping today?
Not me!  I stayed home and made jewelry, decorated, cleaned, took care of some photography stuff...
I haven't run since my race... :/  It's good to take a little time off right?
Matt took G to the UB football game.  They played down at the stadium the Bills play in.
We bundled G up in his snowsuit and boots, so he'd be able to stand the cold.  Turns out that was unnecessary.  They were in a section that was well equipped with heaters.  G told me when he got home that he gets that hot in summer time!  Matt also told me he was ready to strip down to his t-shirt! 
They had a great time, went with Shawn and Mya! 
I was looking through some old photos on the computer, just a few that I have already scanned in... they made me laugh so I thought I'd share!

This picture is from the beginning of our young love! 
Our friends all took a trip down to Lake Powell.  We told each other we loved each other for the first time on this trip. 
I think it was my lady dreads that pushed Matt over the edge don't you think?  He used to call me Janet (Jackson). 
Why oh why does one braid their hair like this? 
I recall from our honeymoon in the Bahamas the natives combing the beach... 'hey pretty lady, braid your hair?'  I had enough sense to say no at that point!
Good thing... I'd hate myself if all of my honeymoon pictures had me with lady dreads!
Oh, and this was the morning of my birthday.  Matt brought me 'breakfast in tent'!
Oh the red-rim glasses! 
I got these in 8th grade I think!  Yep, that's me, now married... wearing the same glasses!
Mostly I wore my contacts, because, well how sweet are those glasses?  Really, glasses weren't so cool back then.  They are now!  And so stylish too!
We finally bought me new ones in 2001-ish.  That's 10 years with these glasses!  Oh my.

Yep, that's my hubs and I all country... in our tennis shoes, herding cattle!
My SIL is a country girl and we got to drive the cattle up to the ranch one year.  It was a lot of fun!
That is a brand new baby calf that I'm petting.
AND, I was shocked that my husband knew how to ride a horse.
Did you know I'd love to have horses one day?  I love them.
LOL!  Can you tell that is dirt?  We are spoofing a wedding photo, but we are standing in our pit!
These are the footings for the house we built in UT, before we moved away to attend business school and then just live on the other side of the country! 
Oh, silly little newly-weds!  Don't make that mistake... you will be sorry... of course that is AFTER you love your house for three good years!
This is one of my favorite photos of us... in Mexico. 
We decided to get out of dodge, go for a trip in the middle of a UT winter.  We had been trying to get pregnant with no luck... we were sad.  This trip picked us right up and apparently was just what the doctor ordered because we got pregnant shortly after this trip!
I still remember getting off our shuttle and walking to the lobby, it was all open and the ocean wind that flooded through as we walked up the steps was the deep breath I needed at that time.