30 days of Thanks

5 things I'm thankful for today...
1) My treadmill - Some days I'm so wimpy. 
I don't know what my deal was today, but I didn't want to go out in the cold rain. 
Sometimes I don't really care, I mean, I get all wet and sweaty anyway, what's a little rain? 
I chose to run inside on my treadmill.  I love it.  So thankful to have it.
2) Alone time with my Q -  I made a deal w/ Q last Thursday that if she could make it through the next week going to school w/ no morning drama, that I would reward her with shopping at Justice. 
She did a great job, with the exception of yesterday, when I told her she had to ride the bus.  I did take $10 away from her for that, but she did great for the rest of the week.  We'll see if it sticks Monday morning. 
We shopped at the mall, had lunch together, looked through accessories.  She got two new pair of shoes.  'No clothes mom' is what she'd say as I got distracted!  She's happy with her clothes, just wanted some shoes.  We got her wedge booties and studded short boots!  They are super cute! 
3) Seeing my Q belly laugh unable to breathe - Again, we've had some drama at our house so seeing her laugh, with me, the one who has had to be the bad guy at times, felt so good to my heart.
We were in Claire's and she told me we should get these mother/daughter necklaces.  You know the ones that split into two necklaces? 
I was like, I don't want to wear that... the mother's side says 'mot-daug'... it sounds like hot dog... I don't want to be the motdog.  She thought that was hilarious and has been laughing about it all day.
I may get us those necklaces for Christmas... in a nicer more handmade version. 
4) I got it done in time - Sometimes I'm not so efficient with my time.  Today after my first attempt at cake balls failed I needed a break.  I stuck the sticks in my balls (hehehe), and didn't come back to cover them until just before the baptism today.  I had to cruise to get those done, and shower, since I'd just run prior.  Whew, I got them done just in time... thank you... I still look like a good friend!
5) Snuggle time on the couch with my babe -  I haven't stopped all day, that is often the case.  I love this time to just chill together... all snuggly.  I love to snuggle.
I'll have to post my family post with my faith post tomorrow.
Buuuuut, look at me two days in a row!