Are You Confused?

You know... I read all of the time, to be a great blogger you need to find a focus, something to write about, deliver to your readers, find you niche.

What happens when you don't have one niche?  What if I want to write about and share a lot of stuff?

Does that confuse you my visitor, my reader?

I am toying with the idea of moving these style posts to their own little bloggy, a more focused place.  I'd post what I'm wearing all week long instead of just once.  ***eta*** I went ahead and did it!  I'll try it... come visit at CCMcAfee Perspective WIW

What does that sound like to you?  Does it even matter?  What do you hope to find when you visit me?

Are you confused?  I think I am!

Well, while I figure that out...
Here is a favorite look from last week, date night, oh ya, gettin' purty!

You know, one of these days we are going to put up closet doors and you're not going to be able to see into my tiny closet anymore, does that make you sad? 

No really, last night Matt totally agreed to getting that done for me... we'll see if it takes him as long to get a project done as it takes me!!!


top: Down East Basics
pants: old catalog maybe Chadwicks!
necklace: Very Jane
shoes: Burlington
Have a great day... and really, feel free to chime in with your two cents on how this should all go down!