Utah trip... week one

Normally I prep prior to coming out to UT.  I get some sort of notepad, some stickers, rub ons, tags and other paper crafting supplies.  I decorate the pages as I go and keep a written record of our trip.  The plan is to go through the photos when I get home and put them into my scrapbook.

For the last few years I have done a great job of this... until I get to the photo part!  I have three books journaled with no photos!  They are all on my computer, I have them, but they are incomplete projects!  Yet another thing on my list!

This year, my intention is to forgo the whole notepad and just put it all on here!  I print these posts off, the history will be kept and the story, along with the photos will be here.

For you the reader it may be a less entertaining post, but that's ok with me!

Sunday July 14
We were up at 5:20 am.  Well, I was up at 5 and had stayed up past 2 am talking to Matt.  Ug, I was tiiiired!  The kids got up with no hesitation and were full of excitement!  We got to the airport and through security with no delays.  I had a slight panic attack when we were at what I thought was our gate then heard a lady mention San Diego.  I gathered my kids up and quickly found a screen to double check our gate... I couldn't see us!  I went back to the desk where we were and asked if our flight went to Chicago.  We were in the right spot, the flight continued on to SD with a stop, our stop in Chicago.  Phew!

We met another family going to SLC, they live in Buffalo too!  The mom ended up not being able to get on our flight, needed a doctor note for her newborn baby... the dad and I helped each other out during our layover in Chicago.  We ended up getting delayed 20 minutes, but it wasn't too bad.


The kids love to fly!  They were laughing loud as the plane too off!  They love landing.  We did some musical seats through both flights, had plenty of activities on standby, as well as food!  We watched a couple of movies.  It was good.  My O needed to pee right as we were descending.  It kills me that they give us drinks then tell us we can't use the bathroom, especially my toddlers!  I had already cut him off, but it was too late!  We did the emergency 'pee in the bottle' right after he told me he peed a little in his pants!  He has a tiny bladder, seriously is always peeing!

Rod and his family were there to greet us and had brought Helen's van for us.  It really is SO nice for us!  It would cost a fortune to have to rent a car for the whole time we are here, and there are so many of us we really can't borrow a vehicle.  Hel's doesn't use her van though, lucky for us.  We totally appreciate our family making it work, getting it to us!

We loaded up and headed to mom's house.  She was eagerly awaiting and the kids greeted her w/ the same eagerness!  Shouts for joy!  We had lunch then I asked if mom had heard about Chelsie.  Cand had called Saturday morning telling me she had been life-flighted to Primary Children's Medical Center.  She was very sick, but when I'd talked to Cand we didn't know how sick.  Mom filled me in and I'd had no idea that this was all life threatening for my little nieces.

We waited for Brand and Colette to get home from church then the kids all happily played while mom and I went up to see Cand and Chels.  And what a sight it was.  Oh, that deserves a post itself.  Chelsie will be in the hospital for the next month probably.  She is in critical condition and Cand will stay up there with her.

We had a good visit.  It was good for Cand to get out in the sunshine.  The night before I cried as I thought about hugging my mom, being with my sister.  I love these women.  I need these women in my life.  I'm so thankful to have them.

Back at home we decided to stay for a bit, the kids were having so much fun.  We love our cousins!  The girls played library in grandmas office, they played fairies outside.  They get along great!  Someone let E play their DS and he was in heaven.  G and Quinton played Star Craft II so he had a great time and O watched the big boys, patiently waiting for his turn, which never came!

We had dinner, I visited w/ B and C, love them!

After we headed down to Cand's house.  The kids were soooo tired!  They all fell asleep in the car.  We said our hello's then got our stuff ready for bed.  My plan is to stay here for a few days to help with the kids, then I'll go to SL for a couple of days to help w/ B and C's kids, C is also having surgery!

Tired!  But such a great day.  It's good to be here in UT, it is great to be with family!

Monday July 15
I got up early this morning to run 6:45.  I guess my kids were still on NY time because they were up too!
They were up at 6!!!  I had them lay back down to rest and be quiet!  Crazy, even though they were up so early.

I do like running here.  There is a little bit of a difference w/ the elevation, but not too bad.  Mostly I'm nervous about the downhill.  I want to get as much hill in before this marathon, as I can!  It was nice and cool.  I had a good run.

We did a big breakfast for all of the kids and played all day!  The kids are very much into the air hockey this year.  Cand's friend Mary is staying here too right now.  She has 2 older boys and that is great for G.  He's had a great time!  He is the reigning air hockey champ... even beat me!

The sand box is another favorite place to be, with water and digging, they can play out there for hours!  I don't know how these kids are going full throttle, I've still not recovered w/ sleep!  I'm tired!  Even with all of the kids in the house I've been relaxing, writing, reading etc.  Mostly the most tedious part is meal time.  There are 12 kids to feed!  That is an army, and I feel like I'm doing it all day long!  You clean up and it's time to start the next meal!

Q and Allie have had such fun together.  They are becoming great playmates!  The little boys love to be w/ Cooper and little Anya has grown so much!  She is beautiful!

I took the girls to the craft store last night.  I want to make some hair things while I'm here, but I didn't bring any stuff this year.  I figured I'd just buy it out here.  So I did.  Allie will be baptized in just a couple of weeks so I want to make something special for her.  And now w/ Cand in SL, unable to do any prep work... I'm on it!  Happy to help.  So I'm doing programs and thinking about her bday party that is soon as well.

I hit the store last night for toiletries, and the essentials (candy).  I must have candy wherever I go!  I stocked up on Cinnamon Bears (love Sweet's brand), Starburst, licorice, then got some chocolate for G.  That is his sort of treat.  We then did movie time in the theater room.  That is such a treat for the kids.  We love it!  They watched Ice Age 3 and Minion Madness.

Tuesday July 16
Up for a run today.  Today the kids slept.  I started with a bit hill climb then a descent.  I do love all of the hills here, it's great change up.

This morning after we fed the masses the kids went outside to play.  They did some horse and knockout.  Also right back into the sand, then the trampoline.  They played murder in the dark in the soccer room, then quiet time for sure!  I need that!  Mary took her kids to SL, so most of the day it was just cousin time.

Little A loves Q.  She adopted Q's sandals and had a hard time giving them back.

I've been blogging, emailing and reading.  I want to start crafting.  It's different for me to not have much to do!  Partly it's great, partly it drives me nuts!  The kids are having a great time and I'm so happy to be here to help out however I can.

Tonight after dinner we went and got Hawaiian Ice.  It started raining shortly before, but we went anyway.  Usually the rain here is short-lived, but it was coming down in buckets.  Still warm, so we went anyway.  We sat under the canopy's and listened to the rain while we ate our yummy slushies.  This is tradition, we must get slushies!

Wednesday July 17
This morning I was up at 6.  I've not been sleeping super well.  I get up to get feet out of faces, recover the kids, de numb my ears from the hard pillow!  I did take this this morning.  I thought the spooning was cute!

Scott took me up the canyon so I could do my last 'long run' down the canyon.  I came down at a 7.11 pace.  Not too bad!  I'd expect to go a little faster being downhill.  It was a good run, a beautiful run.  Here are some looks for you, I did bring my little camera, to practice for race day!
Beautiful right?

I didn't have to feed the kids this morning... bonus!  I was home after they ate!

Today while the kids played I started programs for Allie's baptism, that kept me busy for a little bit. 

Cand got to come home today.  Chelsie went in for another surgery, so Cand is here while she is completely out.  This poor girl... she is so strong.  I'll have to tell her story.  Anyway, it was really good to see my sis for a little while, to see her laugh and love her kids.  We cleaned the house for her while she snuggled her kiddies.

We had a great dinner and the highlight of the evening was all of us out at the batting cages.  It started w/ the little boys, then we all took a turn.  G was razzing me a bit, telling me I would strike out every pitch.  I told him that I apparently run and edit photos too much since he doesn't know I can hit a baseball.  I showed him!  He did really well too.  I'd like to get out there with him every day when we're down there again.  He was getting some tips from Uncle Scott and hitting well.  He feels like hitting is his weak link, it's a tough thing to practice at home w/ inconsistent pitchers! :)

Each kid took a turn, then we adults got to go.  It was great fun, and quite impressive to hear the balls whizz by as Travis and Scott hit!

The kids made a huge hole in the sandpit and kept filling it with water.  O went for a swim, totally drenched his clothes.  I'm so tired of the blasted sand!  Into the showers, then bed for all... and NO sand tomorrow!

I don't have to get up early to run Thursday so I stayed up and watched a couple of new shows.  I had a few good laughs.  It has been fun having Mary's family here, she is a hoot to have around!

Thursday July 18
This morning I got to sleep in... and did until 7!  I rested better through the night.  O did fall out of bed once, but I slept better!

I did some cleaning and gathered all of our stuff up.  My sister gives the best back rubs ever, like deep tissue massage!  I had her cash in today!  I actually need some work done on my left calf.  It's been bugging for a while.  Not enough to take me out of anything, but I can always feel it when I run.  I injured my lower leg last year and I feel like it's residual from that.  I have massaged and stretched to no end, it continues to bother me... but oh well, I run on!  Usually when my muscles are warm it's ok, it's always after that it bothers me.  She worked on that for a bit... sooo nice!

Found out Chels has to go in for yet another surgery, they have to open her up at her hip now, they can't get to the abscess from her current gaping opening clear down her abdomen.

We drove back to Grandma's and Brandon's and started playing.  The kids did slip and slide, wiffle ball and the girls were back to library!

The plan was to go to Hollywood Connection to play, using my new Pass of all Passes.  BUT, this has been a mess to try to get together!  I'll just have to wait, long story short!  As long as I get to use it once while I'm here it will be worth the money I spent on it.

After trying and trying Brand ended up taking some kids over on his own, with his passes.  E, G and Quinton chose to stay home and play the computer.  Q and O went with the girls.  They had a bunch of fun.  O and Q liked mini golf best.

Tonight we went to the drive in.  We popped a ton of popcorn, Brand turned the van seats around, we got the big jug of water and a water bottle for each kid, then some candy!  It was fun!  We saw Despicable Me 2.  The kids thought it was great, E, O and I fell asleep!  It was quite painful at the end actually, I just wanted to go to bed!  The kids had a great time though!  Fab idea!

I got to talk to Matt.  Miss him a ton....