Over The Hump!

We are more than half way through this month.

Oh how the time flies!  I just got done talking to my neighbor, who reminds me every time I see him, that getting old stinks (he's 71).  It goes too fast. 

I couldn't help but get a little nostalgic and sad this week.  Yesterday little E graduated from preschool... which he'll go to again next year since we didn't get into pre-k!  Grrrr.  Anyway, they put on a slide show, with music... bad combo for sentimental mothers!  I teared up a bit.  My little's are getting big.  Soon no the house will be quiet while they are all at school.  Am I really at this point?

If I could freeze any point in my life it would be these last few years.  I'd run them over and again.  I live for snuggles, giggles, wiping tears, even the crap that comes with it, like never having a clean kitchen floor, or any floor!  I love the learning, the funny comments, the teaching.  I'm fine with wiping buts, diffusing fights, making lunches... I also get to jump on the trampoline, tell stories, hear I love you.  It is so satisfying to my soul. 

Yah, my neighbor is right, getting older stinks, and I'm only 35!

But, I will try to enjoy each moment I have. 

I've started to take at least one photo of my kids each week, to document their lives a bit.
This is last week the week of the 18th.
E sits this way when he plays the WII.  It's so funny he won't sit directly in front of the TV.
O loves legos.  He was singing to himself as I snuck up the stairs.
Q told me next year she wants to try softball, and swimming.  It has been so fun to see these two playing together.  G loves teaching her.  He is enjoying his baseball season, although they've yet to win a game!

Girls playing on date night.  They like to dress up! 

 G had his 3rd grade chorus concert last week.  He even had a speaking part.  My fav song was the 'lollipop tree', dad's was 'take me out to the ball game'.

 Sometimes when E is upset he goes to his room to cry, and falls asleep.  I came to check on him and his finger was in his nose.  I went to grab the camera and he had taken it out... so I put it back in! :)

  Who does this with raspberries?  Olives yes.  I was surprised by this though!  This one looooves fruit!

 O was star student last week.  We made his little stars to display through the week, then I got to go in and tell everyone about him.  He really is awesome!  He's funny, and helpful.  He is my snuggler.  Last week was also 'mom's day'.  We got to go in and sing w/ our kids, craft etc.  One of the songs they sang said they would help us by cleaning.  We came home and he had surprised me by cleaning his room.  What a sweet boy!
This week
G and I worked on his invention for GT.  He told me this week this was his punishment for being smart!  He is in both ELA and Math GT.  I tried to help him see that his procrastination could have something to do w/ the hours we now had to put into it.  We had a little meltdown at one point, but got this done this week.
G has been into his baseball necklace lately.
Q enjoys decorating our little chalkboard.  We are ready for Memorial Day!
She is a great artist.

 Wednesday we had a dance party, not uncommon for us.  G pulled out all of my hats and the kids got 'cool' for this one though!  I love me a good tune, never above letting the music move me!  We cranked it and danced to some favorites... Break Your Heart, Titanium, Moves Like Jagger, Part of Me, Call Me Maybe.  Dad even joined in when he got home.  We took turns dancing in the middle.  E surprised me w/ his dance moves.  O has a natural rhythm and does funny moves.  G and Q are rockstars and wanted to choose the music.  We had a great time!

Speaking of music... Paramore, I love you... forever.  I can't get enough of this new album. 
Congrats to Candice Glover from AI.  I, however will be listening to Angie Miller.  Loved her best!
Matt and I watched 'The Office' finale last night along w/ the last couple of episodes.  It was a good look back.  He came down this morning and recounted more favorite moments from the show.  Thanks to the Chamberlains for introducing that show to us many years ago.
Dance is nearing it's end.  My dances are done, now we are cleaning.  I'm still finishing hair pieces.  I wonder what next year will bring.
 I have been glued to my computer.  Time to buckle down and get a ton of photo editing done.
I had a senior this week and I have a family tomorrow.  Next week I have a newborn, oh yes, and I need to finish the wedding and the baby story!  Yikes!