'Inspired By' Link Up for 'What I'm Wearing Wednesday'

I want to do something different for my 'What Are You Wearing' Wednesday.  Instead of just showing what I've been wearing I'd like to also show you looks that maybe inspired what I wore. 

We are visual creatures right?  Sometimes seeing something new or different inspires something new for you.  I know I work that way!  I want to challenge you to find a look you like, and pull something from it to make it your own.  Then, come and share!  You may inspire a new look for someone else!

Here is my example for this week.
I have seen these skirts around.  I like the silhouette of the poofy bottom.  I've wanted to find my own poofy skirt!  What do you think?  Are you a fan?

 I happened into the thrift store looking for baggy jeans and happened upon my very own poofy skirt!
Really?  It was $3... and I normally don't into the thrift store looking for/at clothes (we don't have great thrifting stores here)  Finds like this drive me crazywanttoshoutfromtherooftops! 
Here is what I did with it...
I paired my look with a peter pan neck top: Burlington
A studded belt: Charming Charlie
Sparkle sandals: Burlington last season

The belt covers the gold stretch waist.

I added some pearls to this look, had enough sparkle and stud!
 Now it's your turn! 
This is my first party! 
Please come and play!
I'd love to see, and others would as well, what look inspired you... and what the end result was.

Follow me first please, either on GFC or Bloglovin ------------------ right there on the sidebar!
Grab a button and put it on your blog somewhere...
Post your link, and visit some friends... who knows what look will inspire you next!
<a href="ccmcafeeperspective.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i967.photobucket.com/albums/ae152/themacmomma/linkparty_zpsc7c31843.jpg" alt="Perspective" width="125" height="125" /></a>