Score! Thank You Target!

Yahoo!  I'm reporting to you live from Punta Cana, Dominican Republic!!!!

Oh how I love some good deals!  Like many I like to hunt clearance, stretch my money as far as it can go.  I really am a junkie for finding a great deal... it's an addiction!

I was in Target a bit ago, who am I kidding, I'm always there.  I don't always check out the clearance, and they don't always have screaming deals.  But I'm going to go ahead and say this time I scored in a great way!

I came home with a couple of maxi skirts, a cute lightweight blazer and a little dress.

Here is the blazer and skirt...  Have worn the skirts, not the blazer yet, but watch for that!

  The best part... oh yes that says $5!  I got a pink and orange skirt.

Here is the orange one, with a tshirt I also got on the cheap.

Skirts feel like pajama day!  I love them!

Next is this cute little dress.

... for $6!  Amazing!

Here is what I did with it...

 Necklace can be purchased here at CCMakesStuff.
So fabulous and fun!  Have you found any great deals as of late?