Another year older...

Within two weeks we have 4 birthdays in this house!
I'll start with Matt's.  It was the least amount of work, thus the easiest to report!

He had talked to me months ago about getting his rear tire fixed for his birthday.  I told him I'd do it, or rather that he could do it for his birthday!

Instead I took his bike in for him the day before his birthday and got both tires completely replaced.  It was a pretty penny, not gonna lie, but that bike needed it!  His tires were old, plus he has a mountain bike and those tires are heavy on the tread.  He doesn't mountain bike here in Western NY, he uses it more as a road bike.  I got him some heavy duty tires that support his bike, but have less tread. 

They made his bike all shiny and new.  Really, when I came back to get it I was like... is that his bike?  The kids were a little disappointed with that because I told them they could give it a good cleaning.

I set his bike in our garage where it normally sits with a little note on it...

He got home super late on Friday... it was practically Saturday (his birthday anyway).
He LOVED his gift!  He saw it right as he pulled in.
I don't feel I can to it very often, but when I slam dunk gifts for him it sure feels good! 

He was excited to get out on his bike on his birthday, however there was an issue with a gear, in all of the fixing.  I had to take it back in to get it adjusted... THEN, he went for a ride.

He ended up not feeling well that night, even though the C's were watching the kids for date night.  I ended up celebrating by myself while he slept!  I got myself some takeout, watched a movie!  Happy birthday to you!

Sunday we had the C's over, had a waffle bar for breakfast.  We all celebrated together. 
He is getting old!  38. 
Super love this man!  He is successful, driven, SUCH a good father.  He is my partner.  He still makes me laugh my guts out!  Love him!

Do you love this shirt?  Last week was father/son day at pre-k.  It was a Hawaiian theme.  He wanted to go all out with the tacky shirt... thank you Walmart!