A Lamp To Match

A while ago I mentioned that we are doing a little makeover in Q's room.  I've already posted the mirror project we worked on together... in this post.

We are mostly done, I just need a new rug and I need to rehang her chandelier.  I also want to make her a new message center.  We got new bedding, some new frames and other décor.  It's coming along nicely.

We have had a lamp in her room, for a while, that hasn't had a shade on it.  When Q decided she wanted zebra, I thought this would be a great opportunity to bring that print in. 

I went and got an inexpensive shade and some zebra fabric (I think maybe 1/2 yard). 
We got my glue gun out and made a new lampshade!

I've seen these done before and people make patterns for the shade.  I don't have time for that!  I just went for it!

We did start by wrapping the shade in the fabric, to see where it would go, how to glue it best. 
 I didn't make any cuts until I had a rough estimate of what we'd need.
Again, I didn't cut out any patterns prior to gluing.
I picked a spot and started.

I glued the fabric along the bottom trim first, to hold it in place. 

The shade is graded, not a boxy drum so I knew I'd need more fabric on the bottom than the top. 
I thought I'd maybe need to gather the top, but it all folded over pretty clean.

Q helped glue, she loves working on projects.

At this point I trimmed excess fabric off the bottom edge, then folded over and glued it on the inside.
I moved to the top next.  I cut off excess fabric then folded over the top and glued on the inside.

Q mentioned putting feathers on this.  Since I'm a hoarder/crafter I just happened to have a pink feather boa that was the perfect length.  We glued that along the bottom edge to finish our lamp.

What do you think?  Q loves it!  I think it looks great too!  IT was an easy project and an easy way to 'change' her room w/o doing much.