The Kid's Valentines

We are way past V-day I realize, but I got so caught up in my bacon necklace... I haven't posted about the kids so I'm doing that now...

This year Q wanted to make something for each child in her class.  Last year she didn't, but G did.  I'm glad they have switched off!

We found these little ipods via...

We wrapped many boxes of conversation hearts in silver paper, Q made the 'you rock' screens, a different one for each friend!  She's the coolest right?

I created a page full of dials and we taped them on then added embroidery floss and hershey kisses for the earphones.

THEY WERE A HIT!!!  The kids loved them!!!  She loved them!  Made one for herself! 

Here is the dial page I created...

G wanted to just sign his name this year!

He gave bubbles, didn't even want to do a cute saying... again, that's okay, last year he made airplanes!

Here is the page I created for him.  Cut them out and he signed his name... done and done!

O was so excited to give Valentines this year!  He was so big and signed his name on every one... all in one sitting!  Love this boy!  He loves playdough so he gave that...

Here are his tags I created...

Last was my little E.  He did practice writing the E from his name, but lost steam fast!

He gave little propellers.  We tried to fly them with no success, but that doesn't matter, his teacher said the kids LOVED these! 

The tags I created for E...

Whew, tired yet!?

If that wasn't enough I made treats for teachers...

I wanted to repeat the oreo suckers from a few years ago, but it didn't work... So I just dipped them, they still tasted great!

I baked cookies for Q's class party...

I was in charge of the craft for G's party.  We made this little valentine monster!

It was super easy... wrapped yarn around fingers, tied yarn around the middle, cut the edges to create a pompom.  We cut out hearts for feet and added googly eyes.  The kids loved them...

E got to come with me... you can't tell by his face in this photo, but he was really happy to be there!

As I was looking at Vday's past I realize that no, I wasn't as good about posting these things in the past... even though I'd already done the work.

We know I've turned a new leaf w/ the blogging!  It's like I'm fully recovered!

So, bear with me, but I'm going to post the vday's of the past...

2009 Q's first year...

She's crafty like me, she hand made all of her valentines, complete with notes to everyone!  Crazy!


G's first year, he cut out all of these hearts and wrote happy Vday on them all!

Q again making her own...

2011... this year we made the crayon hearts.  Cake pops were still new and exciting so I made them for both classrooms!

The kids still wrote little notes.  This year we cut out the heart names sent home from school and put them on the fronts for G.

Q still made little cards for everyone, then added the heart crayon...


Last year Q just wanted a printout and gave fruit snacks...

G made little airplanes with gum, lifesavers and smarties

We made teacher pencils from rolos and hershey kisses.

O gave these...

Last I found these old paper projects I did a few years ago...

10 things I love about you book...

Vday card... this one may have been published, I can't remember...

An 8x10 canvas I made... it hangs in my office.

And done!  Thank you valentines day... I look forward to seeing you again next year!