And the Golden Globe Goes To....

Well not me of course!  Although the drama here at my house is sometimes GG worthy!
I'm talking about a different award, and it does go to me!
My friend, over at for the love of kids, nominated me for this award...
It totally made my day actually!
I've been blogging for a really long time actually, but this reaching out, finding community, more bloggers, has been pretty new to me.  I am a people person, love connecting, love sharing, love knowing people.  It has been wonderful to venture to this new side of blogging.

So, here is the Liebster Award... isn't it purty?!

The Liebster Award is given to bloggers who are fairly new to the blogging world with less than 200 followers. The award is then passed along to other bloggers of the same criterion.

The Liebster Award rules:
  • Bloggers nominate other up and coming bloggers (with less than 200 followers) for the award.
  • If you receive the Liebster, you must:
    • Tell 11 random things about yourself.
    • Answer the 11 questions the nominator has asked you.
    • Nominate 11 other bloggers and make sure you notify them
First 11 randoms about me...
1)  My hair looked like this in 7th grade... we call it the West Valley Claw...
2)  I was in two beauty scholarship pagents in HS.  Totally won Miss Congeniality!  That is what they give you when you are nice, but just not 'talented' enough!  Kidding... I think women much older than myself won!
3)  I was hit by a Shag Rug La truck in the first grade.  Nothing broke as I flew through the air...

4)  I guess it wasn't punishment enough to make this 6 year old wear a blazer to school!  Thanks mom!

5)  I totally auditioned for So You Think You Can Dance in 2007.  Yep, I had 2 kids!  Nope I didn't make it, but at least they didn't keep me for the gag reel stuff!

6)  I stay up late and watch reruns on Netflix.  I've been through The OC, Gossip Girl, Felicity and am currently working on One Tree Hill.  Late at night is the only time I feel like TV isn't a waste!

7) My sister is my best friend... still after all of these years.

8)  I used to scrapbook alot... I've actually been published.  I don't do that so much anymore :(

9)  I birthed my kids w/o any pain meds... natural.  It's an amazing experience, every time.  Helped my sister do that with her last baby.  I wrote a bit about how life is like childbirth!  read it here

10)  I loooove sugar!  Would take sugar candy over chocolate any day.

11)  I'm a pretty good athlete.  I think because I danced and cheered for so much of my life everyone is surprised when I throw a football in a nice spiral... or kick butt running a race... or carry my own furniture into my house... ok that last one is really my #11... I am 'freakishly strong' as Monica from 'Friends' put it!

As if that wasn't enough for you... my nominator asked me...
1. What is your favorite book?        I don't leisurely read... I read my scriptures though, they are my favorite
2. Are you a cat or dog person?
        Dog, although we will never own a pet as hubbs is a neither... to anything!
3. Where do you see your self in ten years?

        In this blasted freaking house... even though we could afford 10 of them!!!! :)
4. What is your favorite form of social networking?
       Blogging.  I love the photos and the story...
5. What are you most excited about in 2013?
       A well deserved, much awaited vacation to the Caribbean... weeeeeeeeeeeee!
6. What is your favorite Holiday?
    Christmas of course, followed by Thanksgiving... then Arbor day :)
7. Do you prefer coffee, tea, or neither?

      Neither... and I say this all of the time... I don't like drinking calories!
8. What is your favorite thing to do in your spare time?
      What spare time?
9. Do you have any weird habits?

       Nope, I'm perfectly normal!  I'm often late, but that's not weird, just annoying!
10. What's your favorite smell?
      I don't know about favorite, but I can tell you that smelling cherry chap stick still takes me back to my college dance tour to Ukraine, because that is what I used there...
11. How many siblings do you have?

       I have 6 siblings
11 bloggers I'm going to nominate are...You gals should answer the same questions I did from above!
Becca MossBecca @ faith love and babies
Jeri Lynne @ the knight life
Lauren @ simply free
Cammie @ Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Kristen @ the kristen project
Miss Pary Moppins!
Samantha @ it's all in the details
Angela @ snack cups and smiles
Brittany @ the lily field
Demitria @ country life...
Amy @ the nardiello family

Check them out!  And thanks for visiting...