It's That Time...

Happy New Year! 

Do you set goals?  Do you check them off as the year goes on?  Are you successful?  What works for you?

Last year I set a goal to set a goal each month.  Nope, didn't keep it going!

I seem to operate better with some big goals I'd like to accomplish through the year.
I made a goal to run a marathon and triathlon.  Check.
I wanted to read the Book of Mormon in 100 days... it took me a little longer, but... Check

Anyway, I do many things, create a list, prioritize and get busy.  I live a healthy lifestyle that makes me happy.  There are things, however that I do want to improve upon, accomplish, thus the need for a goal, the forming of a new habit maybe.

Kristen S. spoke to us in church Sunday about our priorities (love this woman, really!  So enlightened every time presents something).  We have a 'meant to' and 'should do' side of our priority list and a 'do' side of our list.  Obviously the things that are getting done are the highest priority (or maybe not... this is where I need to look), because you only have so much time in a day, and you have to make choices.  Some things will naturally drop beneath others.

She said... "I can tell what your priorities are by how you are living... what you are doing."  Yikes!  Aggghhhh!  That's true!  It doesn't matter that I've 'meant' to do something, or even that I've put it on my 'should' list, or even that it means the world to me.  If it's not getting done, it needs to be moved up the list to "DO".

A big one on my list is Family Home Evening.  This is a time specially set aside for family.  I don't believe that it is 'just' to spend time together.  I firmly believe this is a time to teach principles of truth in our homes, to our families!  If we don't strengthen and teach each other values and all sorts of principles of truth... really who will?  I believe this time, like dinner time together, is a time to talk, increase understandings, ask questions, reaffirm love in our home.

For whatever reason this particular element of my faith has been one that I struggle with.  It's not that I don't want to spend time with my family.  On the contrary we spend a whole lot of time together... good, quality time in fact.  But this burden has felt a little heavy for me.  I know why!  Quite simply there are always a lot of things on my plate!  This one falls down the list, and I feel ok about it because I do read scriptures with them and we say family prayers together almost nightly.

This has not been a 'do' priority for me.  Yes, I carry this 'religious' load on my own, sometimes the load feels heavy and difficult, but does that really matter?  I can do it, I have all of the ability in the world... I just need to make some adjustments.  I do want this to be a priority for me and the kids. 

My first resolution or goal then is...
Have FHE regularly
We will have family home evening this year!  We will have it on Wednesday's, our only evening it seems!

I found this on Pinterest... thank heavens for people like this!  I really do make this harder than it needs to be!  I've already printed off January's lessons.

Have you heard of Simply Fresh Designs?  If you are a Mormon, you'll love it!  If you aren't you may just like it!! :)  Kidding!  This is a great place for any person of faith to go and find uplifting things to download!  She even has subway art and such! 

I printed these off for the kids.  We'll rotate them through the year and follow along w/ FHE.

I also am printing off a few other things like this...

and this...

Goal #2 GROW
I realize this may be vague!  I specifically want to grow my businesses and brand.  Photography, MakesStuff and my blog.  That is alot!  Each of them requires a lot of time... so I won't determine success by anything but growth!
- With photography I'd like to push myself more into art.  I have ideas and want to explore that this year.  I'd like to try my hand at fashion, I've already contacted a local designer, but hey, I may just go for it w/o a designer!
- With CCMakesStuff I want to organize a bit better and grow my client base.  I think it is a matter of getting my stuff seen a bit more.
- With blogging, really this takes the back seat.  I do this for me and our history.  I don't have a huge readership at this point, thank you to my friends and family that are loyal!  I have been doing some reading and exploring, learning, but one thing at a time!  This one may be slower than the others.
Goal #3  RACE... set new records!
- I've already committed to run this Ragnar ULTRA!  It is in June!  188 miles divided between 6 runners!  All of the runners are elite, ran or qualified for Boston!  We average around 40-ish miles each.  It will be a challenge!  I love a good challenge!
- Olympic distance Triathlon... don't know which yet.
- Marathon.  I may run the same as last year.  I'd already be trained after Ragnar.  I may run the Wine Glass in the fall, still haven't decided.
My interest has grown for these amazing books of scripture.  I want to focus my study here this year.  After I finished the BOFM last year I didn't know where to go, what to study!  I've been reading the Doctrine and Covenants.  I'll read there a bit, maybe finish, then go on to the Bible.
BUT, I must continue reading the Book of Mormon.  Joseph Smith said... 'I told the brethren that the Book of Mormon was the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book.'  I believe this. 
So, even as I study the Bible I want to do even one verse in the BOFM.  I went through and grabbed 365 verses, one for each day.  I have been putting them together in photoshop.  I am printing them off and will keep them in the kitchen.  I can read one each day, and if I feel inclined study it further.
As I put these together I thought they would be great even if you aren't reading other scripture.  These are great topics and you could spend a week on each one!  Take a topic each day and study it further.  That is why I am sharing.  Print these off and use them to study, or just to ponder for the day. 
I have been told many times to get in the scriptures every day.  And I wouldn't for many years because I put some expectation on it.  Just get in there!  Even if it's a verse, get in them every day.  I started by leaving my scriptures open and when I had a minute would go back to them.  That was the only way I got through the 100 day challenge!  As the habit forms you can adjust, just get to them every day!
I am recommitting to writing my thoughts here as I study.
Here are the first 24 prompts for reading...  feel free to download them and print them.  I suggest on a 8.5x11 sheet.  Either card stock or photo paper.  Yea!  (ps there may be type errors, please forgive me!)  AND, I'll continue making these so come back for the followup!