Evolution of Style...

I follow this darling blogger... Cara Loren.
She and 8 other bloggers are hosting a momma style blog hop.
You link up w/ each other and such, but you are also supposed to share your own momma style and how it's changed since becoming a mother.

This made me laugh, but not as hard as when I actually went through photos!
I've been a momma for 10 years now and my style has changed a WHOOOle lot!
I thought this could be a fun opportunity to look back at where I was and how I've changed.
A little embarrassing?  Sure.  Whatever, I have no pride... and I'm happy with where I am now.  It's all a process right?  A journey and discovery.

Becoming a mother didn't change my style.  What did, you ask, because you will soon witness a drastic change? 

Along with plain old time, style, and such, I'm going to say my awareness changed.
I didn't realize, for many years how fun styling is.  It's like another creative outlet!
I don't think I knew where to shop.  AND, I didn't know what I was looking for.  I was just unaware for the most part... things have changed!  I'm going to say that my good friend Marci opened my eyes to how far a bit of effort can go. 

With a little direction, some experimenting, and good ol' shopping I was changed!
I love to shop and I love clothes, but I still work inside of a budget.  Even budgeting, there is still plenty out there to beautify with. 

Feel like you don't know how?  Copy someone else!  Find a look you like and duplicate it.  My guess is there is plenty in your closet to already do that with.  AND, you may have to let go of a few things!

I used to work at Eddie Bauer (years ago), and have fond memories of that place.
Shop where you get a discount right?  Plus I did just like their clothing.  For many years even after I quit working there I continued to wear my clothing from there.  I think good quality clothing can be a trap sometimes :)  I say that because if it never looks grungy will you ever throw it out, even though you should... because it's so out of style??? :)

Clothes and style are like the stuff in your refrigerator door.  Some of them have a super long shelf life, longer than those bananas you bought Monday.  BUT, they still expire!  Even though you haven't used the whole bottle, even though it's still the same color as when you bought it!  It has run it's course and should be removed from the refrigerator door, and replaced!

I think I was in this phase for a long time.  Along with not knowing what to buy, where to shop, and what my style was, I had perfectly good clothes I had already spent money on.  They were in good condition and fine!  I took the plunge about 5 years ago and got rid of so many things that were just... expired!  I found them a lovely home where they were appreciated!

And I'm in a different phase now.  I'm awake and aware.  I know where to shop.  I know what I like.  I like to try new things.  I see what I like and take chances trying it myself.  The things in my closet that stay with me through the years either need to be worn, reinvented, or given to someone who likes them just how they are!

Now, I know my sister's excuses to me and one of them is she doesn't like how she looks weight-wise.  She thinks clothes are fun for me because I'm fit... Whatever!  Clothes and styling can be fun for all!  I was watching "Say Yes to the Dress" once and they said something I've remembered... it's not about your size, it's about your shape.  Finding clothes that work for your shape make all the difference.  It's not about your size... no excuses anymore!  Make it happen.  I've had a few opportunities to shop w/ others, FOR them and it's great to see what the right fit and style can do for them.  Yet another thing I'd like to do... be a personal shopper!

Ok, moving on... let's look and laugh together at my evolution... we'll start from when I first became a mom in 2003.

I was going for this with the hair cut.  Remember 'Sliding Doors'?  Great movie!  My hair, didn't quite turn out that way... what are you going to do?


Marci entering my life!  She teaches me the difference between a 'man coat' as she lovingly calls it, and a cute lady coat!  She encouraged me in many stylistic ways, and we had so much fun shopping together.  LOVE this girl!

Now I'm even blogging my style!  My how things change!
How was that for you?  Entertaining? 

You can check out my 'what I'm wearing' tab for my recent style and looks.

I'm going to say my 'must have' items for my closet are
1) Cardigans... I have an extensive collection! These are a great way to add warmth :), texture, pattern.  They can spice up the most plain of tshirt.
2) Dresses and skirts... They are great for fat days in the winter and alleviate 'swass' in the summer!  I'm all about cute little dresses and skirts!
3) Plenty of accessories to choose from... a belt, to a great scarf or necklace.  Add a little something extra!

Where are you in your evolution?  Ready to take some chances?

Find more mom's with style here...