Thankful for felt pads...

Really, what a great invention.
Recently I went through and put more of these on my chair legs. 
Are you disgusted when you have to change yours?  Please tell me I'm not the only one!
Hair, food, they are smashed to no padding, yuck!

I have a cute old ladder in my family room that I hang our blankets on... as seen here...

When I redecorated this room I chose this light blue color for my walls.  You see that my ladder is black right?  Can you guess what is all over my blue wall?

Of course, it's black paint! 
Now, I've seen the dipped furniture, and it's really great!
However I don't like it with my shabby little ladder.  You see where I'm going with this?  Yes indeed.  I grabbed those felt pads and slapped them on the back of those ladder legs.  Oh yea!  Works like a dream!  Thank you much little felt pads.  What else can I put you on???

Now I've just got to touch up that paint... another project!

Also thankful today for...
- Gray's Anatomy
- Play group here at my house.  I really do enjoy it although I never go anymore!  Best way to attend, have it here!
- My treadmill
- Towel folding.  I was able to shake out some of my frustrations as I folded my towels today.  I got a phone call from school that frustrated me, regarding G.  I fumed a bit about it today.  Had to figure out why I was so mad!  That brings me to my next piece of gratitude...
- The delete button.  I didn't want to send an email with ANGRY all over it!  I was able to pinpoint my feelings and communicate them clearly.  It's amazing that when the source of frustration is pinpointed, then clearly expressed, how quickly stress is eliminated!  Really, I sat here and typed, fumed, deleted, typed, fumed, took a breath... as you try to type out feelings part of the frustration is not being able to express, or figure out why your so mad.  Stepping away really helped.  The lightbulb went on for me as I thought about why I had such a response to this.  Once I had it, I then expressed it clearly and moved on.  I'm sure it feels much better for the person on the receiving end, and I feel much better now!