Document Today

The first day of summer vacation... (I wonder how many days of summer I can document and photograph, even something small?)
Woke up and ran 5 miles (felt too early, went to bed too late)
Breakfast w/ the kids... pancakes.
Clean up sticky mess
All get dressed.
Plan: kids empty dishwasher, all fold laundry, clean rooms (nice and deep). 
Actual: G did his dishes and played while I spent 2 hours cleaning out Q's room.  1 garbage bag later = happiness!  We have decluttered, gone through EVerythiNG, vacuumed, dusted... done.
Kids outside to play while I edit a few photos.
To Target we go for some lunch and last minute items (gifts for recital, mascara).  O screams a lot...
Dollar store for more last minute items (makeup and hair stuff for recital).
Home for naps, lovely time of the day!
Q's turn to do dishes.

I will have a snack by the computer.  I have been loving this lately.
Get some of my room organized.
Q playing dolls for quiet time, G playing basketball in the basement.
I could sure use a nap...
Tonight is recital, the year is coming to an end.  I'm excited!  M is coming tonight, I am dancing Alice for S who will be at prom!  Yea!
Cute Megan S is watching my kids, such a lifesaver!
Still need to get stuff ready, make up my face, do my hair and such.
Laundry still needs to be done, so does G's room, so does my living room, there is always tomorrow!

Friday night G's game cancelled.  I had dress rehearsal.  Went well.  Molly came, and we spent good times together.  Not many people see any part of my dance life... except everyone at the studio.  It is always a treat to share w/ my friends.
We actually spent a bunch of time together on Saturday!  Our Saturday's have been full of golf, running, outings, we don't do a lot as a family.
M was going to go do 'mentor' stuff, but his little guy couldn't go.
Have you ever seen the eternal flame?
Neither have we!!!
We tried to get there, but we couldn't find it! 
There is a natural gas something that is behind a waterfall.  Flame behind water, love that photo op.  We hiked, it was muddy, in fact w/in 4 minutes of being there E stepped in the mud and fell flat on his face, enough of that, into the pack you go!  M took him on a roller coaster ride!  Good thing we buckled him in!  It was slippery in a few spots!  We all got good and dirty!  We don't do this w/ our kids enough, they were only adventurous here and there.  Q stood and screamed at me after she stepped in a big smush of mud and when G was ready to head back he was relentless!  E was a little shocked and cried from being turned upside-down and O wanted to be carried!  M joked that we really do belong at home in front of our TV!  That needs to be changed!  Overall a good time!  We'll have to go back and find what we set out to find.

Had yum lunch and ice cream at a local shop after.
After getting cleaned up I made some headbands.
We watched the C's kids, Q has been waiting and setting up all week for this dance party she was imagining.  She didn't even get to do it, she felt pretty yuck that night.  Such a bummer. 
M & S brought us back more ice cream!  Thanks!
Sat and visited.
Good meetings on Sunday. 
Watched the Labyrinth w/ Q. 
Got to craft a bit.
M took the kids to see the airplanes, even more craft AND quiet time for me... fabulous!
They had a great time, except Q, still not feeling well and grossed out by the bugs.