Button, button

O is in my buttons! Oh, this child!

I LOVE him! I love that he puts the word VERY in front of all words...
I feel very sick
I am very tired
The sun is very bright, also the sun it too bright (this is because we live in Buffalo and the sun rarely shines in the winter!!!)
The tree is VERy tall
I love you very much
MOM, it's very dark in here (he says that when his shirts take more than an instant to get over his head!)

He is in and out of napping. Last week he thought he was finished w/ napping. Nap time would pass then later that afternoon I'd find this...

and this...

He'd wake up late enough that he'd have a hard time falling asleep that night. I feel that we face that problem frequently enough w/ him napping at normal time that the late afternoon napping CANNOT happen!

He is a pill!
He gets shakes with eyes hugely open when he gets excited.
He will sneak a push into his little brother when he thinks no one is looking.
He loves to 'nuggle' and is very affectionate. I'll be bent over or squatting doing a puzzle or tying a shoe and he'll come and rub my back so tenderly! I love it.

He loves puzzles
He sneaks food

He is loud, but I guess that is no surprise, all of my children are, WE are!
He loves toddler time at 'Lissa's'.
He loves 'Shawny' and all of the Christensen's. He hugs them and tells them he loves then at random.
He is coordinated.
He loves to jump on my furniture.
He loves story time.
He loves to pray and went through a stretch where he'd pout and cry when it was someone else's turn to say the dinner prayer.
He loves eggs and pancakes, or eggs and muffins for breakfast.
I think he's allergic to peanuts, I've never gotten it offically checked out because he WILL not go near PB or any treat that smells like it.

He is helpful, I appreciate him getting me diapers, then putting them into the garbage.
He is funny and so animated.
He is smart.
He is passionate.
He loves Dora and Diego, Super Y.
He loves 'saurus's (dinosaurs).
He is always into something.
He has been asking where Grandpa Cooper is and reminding us of his blood. (My dad fell and cut his eyebrow while they were here, it left an impression on O).
He often makes his way into our bed at 5 or 6 am.
He used to love his binky, but transitioned out of it super easy. He'd chewed them all till they cracked and once they were gone, they were gone. I think he asked for a bink one night and when I reminded him we threw them away he was fine.
He still likes me to 'kiss it better'.
He says mom are you going running, when I change my clothes. Mom, are you going dancing. He notices.

I love this little boy. He keeps us 'challenged' and frustrated at times, but he is such a great part of our family. He keeps us laughing! I love seeing who he is turning into. At times I catch little glimpses of who he'll be in a couple of years. I really do enjoy this time, his funny sentences, his big heart, that he is unique. He is my boy (each of them are) and I love him so much.
carolyn mcafee4 Comments