My poor blog

I've been such a naughty blogger!
My calendar has been packed so it's not for lack of stuff to write about. It seems to have dropped a little on the priority list.
I want to go back and review September in photos, at least. That would be a good goal to completed before October ends right?

Last night we went out w/ the Christensen's. Matt got us tickets to see Mary Poppins at Shae's. We had dinner at Saigon Bangkok before going. Molly couldn't get a sitter, despite all of her calling, so we had Kristy watch all of the kids. I had all the confidence in my cute friend, however 8 kiddies is enough to make you sterile, if you don't have children of you own! She did great, made a ton of cash, and we had a great time. Worth it! A very good time was had.

Today we are taking off, heading out. That means even more I will need to write about, oh heavens. We are going back to the place of our schooling, where we used to dwell! C-ville Virginia. G was born there and he is excited to see it. I am excited to go back w/ my camera, so many small things in my head I can recall and want to capture w/ my good camera. Back then I had a little digital guy. So much has changed. It should be a fun trip.
carolyn mcafee2 Comments