Holy Moley

Matt set appointments for us to go to a dermatologist this past week.
He was having lip issues a while back (they puffed up) and set our apts.
While he was there they removed some skin tags from his back.
They gave him some medicine for his lips and told him he probably had an allergic reaction, maybe to the sun.
I went and had many questions.
They did remove 2 moles. Two that were raised off my skin that bothered me. I'm happy to have them gone.
They recommended coming in and having a body mapping.
I'm quite the moley creature and this way they can watch them.
I also have a skin condition. I thought it was because I sweat so bad, but it is actually genetic. They gave me a script for it. I'll try to get that all under control so my skin isn't splotchy.
Not a bad visit at all.

Speaking of apts. I went to the dentist this past week. I took the kids with me because they had one too and I wanted them to see what happens. I got cleaned and checked. I have to go back for some fillings. The tooth under my fillings has continued to decay (normal) and I have some new cavities. Man! I wish I didn't have such a love for that blasted sugar candy.

We tried to get the kids to their apt, but had some delays... that would be me forgetting their paperwork as I rushed to get kids in the car. Matt also had some management drama at work and he was heading home late. As I got there they said they would rather reschedule. They need to look at the paperwork prior to working on the kids. Whatever. I did want to take my camera and forgot that too so it's just as well.

Tomorrow I take G in for follow up shots. His last visit they realized he hasn't had his MMR shots. Really, did I not ask you about that right as we moved here? In VA he was midstream and moving here they have different timelines for when things need to be done. It was missed somewhere along the way. He got the first of it at his last visit and tomorrow is his second shot. He was so brave getting his shots. He said 'ow, ow, ow' and didn't like it, but didn't cry. Surprising, since one mean look from his sister sends him into a tissy!

So, this is the month of appointments.
carolyn mcafee2 Comments