
What kind of a word is that anyway?

Don't-cha hate it when you get up early and drive someplace... like the dentist... only to find out that you didn't have an appointment... it's NEXT Friday at 7 am.

Love that! So I get to do this again in a week? Lovely!

In other news I'm here typing at 7pm on a Friday night. That only means one thing, I'm not out on a hot date with my husband tonight... I'm watching kids, by myself, at home!

I can't seem to eat enough! Not that my body NEEDS anything right now, I just can't seem to stop myself! We went out to Red Robin last night and I ate my salad, along with my fries, and some onion rings and then had the rookie magic shake. I did stop when it came to my sandwich. I went ahead and ate that... for breakfast! What is up with that? Some days you just need to splurge!

I'm waiting for some purchases to arrive in the mail. I was hoping for them today. I hope they come tomorrow. New clothes and scrap stuff! Yum!

Have a good weekend!
carolyn mcafee3 Comments