A layout and photos from yesterday.

Layout for the day. Q still is so attached to her blankets. This was a great photo go with the history of her love of "blanket" (not to be confused with Michael Jackson's son!).

Here are some photos with our new camera. I'm still practicing and getting the hang of it, but I'm pleased as punch with my new baby!

Now, at play group I took a ton of photos!!! These are a few of my fav's.
I just cut those bangs today!

I don't know why I love this one so much.

love my kids!

Bubb's has really thinned out!

Love this one.

No this isn't my child, it's G's little buddy. Their little toe heads are the same, looking down at them you can't tell them apart!

Enough of the photos already!!!
We did some shopping today, I wanted to get out. I let the kids run around the mall. We stopped at the pet store and looked at the beautiful McCaw (have no idea how to spell that... it's the big tropical bird).
Anyway, Q prayed for the bird tonight! So funny! In her words...
Thankful we could see the bird, thankful he could say... what did he say mom? Oh yea, squawk. Bless his food and that he could play... thankful he said goodbye... she continued to jabber and bless the bird! What a sweet child.
carolyn mcafee2 Comments