Has it been three days?

*I love meeting new people. I love the new stories, new lessons, new and fresh personalities. I love asking questions, getting to know, sharing experiences. Each new person brings with them a background and learning about that makes me a better person... always. I'm excited to meet the new people moving into our church boundaries. I'm getting together with a gal I met at a party tomorrow. I don't think you can ever have too many friends. There is too much to learn and too many people to enjoy!

*I sent in my registration for a 5k race I'm running next week. It has been years since I've raced. Part of me thinks it's silly to pay $18 to run three miles. I know I can do that for free! The atmosphere is fun and different and it gives me an opportunity to stretch and push myself.

*Tomorrow is gals night out. We're scrapping. Well, some of us never do, but we have loads of fun anyway! We always come away with at least a good ab workout! Love girlfriends.

*Matt has introduced Q to the "Wizard of Oz". She likes it. I have been nervous about her getting spooked, but she seems to do okay. It is so fun to hear her tinterpretation of things, from her two year old mind. Her favorite part to tell me about is when Dorothy hits the lion on the nose, because he was chasing Toto. She can also tell me about the tin man and thinks the witch is mean. She knows that Glenda is the good witch and loves her pink dress. She tells me about the house that fell on the witch with the red shoes. Today I asked her about the scarecrow. I never hear much about him. This is what she told me.

Toto went one way and Dorothy went the other so the scarecrow went like this (photo). Then she danced and fell like he does! I'm happy to see she hasn't left out the scarecrow! I didn't even know she could cross her arms like that! She surprises me each day!

*This morning while I was waking up Matt took Q down as he was leaving for work. He turned on a show for her and got her a snack and told her to go get me if she needed anything. Right as he was walking out the door she said "wait dad, you forgot to kiss me". Made his day!

*G is the book-reading machine! I'll be sitting there doing nothing and he'll climb his way onto my lap, ready to read! I love reading with my kids. He is in sponge mode right now and takes it all in, endlessly! He doesn't get sick of it! He is learning so much and his vocabulary is impressive for a 16 month old. He's added star, moon, book, water, happy, (mote)remote, and just about any other word you throw at him, to his vocab. He loves walking and is trying to run/walk faster! He sees Q do it and it gets him going! He has the silliest walk. He sinks into his hips sometimes so it looks like he's shaking his tootie when he walks! Very funny! He thinks he's cool! At the park yesterday he just kept walking! I'd shout at him to come back and he'd look at me then keep going! Trailblazer! He's great!